Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A Date in the Eating

When Connor and I first got married, I made sure we ate every night together. I set the table, made sure the veggies were steamed, and greeted him with a kiss. Minus the pearls and heels, I was a glorious house wife. But then Connor lost his job, I gained a career and our schedules in the summer were anything but consistent. Connor installs floors now and on some nights, like tonight, he doesn't arrive home till 10:30.

But I still try and make sure we eat together, no TV, no cellphones. Just us and conversation. Dinner talk is just as important as pillow talk in a relationship. It's a time for us to sit and learn about each other, about our days, and listen, REALLY listen to what the other has to say. 
It also helps unite the two of you in prayer at least once a day.  We aren't always the best at saying couple prayers morning or night. But dinner, when we are together, gives us a chance to thank God for what He's given us. 

Eating meals together and making it a priority, also helps me to try and cook healthy foods. Because I have to plan for a certain dinner time, I want to make sure I make home-cooked meals. Occasionally they fail and we get Little Caesars, but at least we are spending time together!

I'm sure there are all sorts of statistical research out there proving what I'm thinking. But for us, it's all about exerpience. So try it! Try eating together and see what changes in your relationship then let me know.

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