Plato's closet advertises on the radio about taking gently used name brand clothes. Most of what I was getting rid of were American Eagle, Old Navy, Aero, and even Downeast! Good brands right? I probably had 50 or so items I planned on selling. Now I knew they didn't take everything but it was worth a shot right?
The girl who helped me at first was super nice and chatty as I filled out my donation slip. Once they get done sorting your stuff they write your name on the board. Not five minutes later they had my name on the board. My first thought was "wow they are fast." Come to find out they wouldn't take one single thing that I was trying to sell. Except for a pair of boots for $5. The girl who told me that said, "This stuff is just really out of style." I wish I could convey how rude her tone was with me. Personally, I'm not one to rant about customer service but she made me never want to shop their again.
Well I took my money and continued shopping. While shopping I found TWO shirts on the racks that I had tried to donate but had been deemed "really out of style." I was ticked.
So I bought one sweater and left, vowing to write a strongly worded blog post. I understand they have a business to uphold and money to make, but to have such rude girls working their was such a turn-off. And to advertise gently used brands and not take ANYTHING? It was beyond belief.
My theory? She hardly looked through the bag. Or she would have noticed the TWO pairs of American Eagle denim and Aero shirts or Old Navy pants that were clearly still in style. Or maybe she just didn't like my stuff and since it wasn't "her style" she shouldn't have to sell it. Or maybe she'd just had a bad day and I was the culprit of her hard work day. I shouldn't judge.
Still. My lesson? Don't sell at Plato's Closet unless the clothes still have the tags on it. And definitely don't do it at the one in Logan.
Please, if anyone has had a better experience selling there, let me know! I want to believe that Plato's Closet is a good place, its just hard when you have such a negative experience.
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